When I came across this quote last week, I knew there was a lot there. I also knew I wasn’t going to wait to figure out what all the a lot was before I shared it. It is one of those that, on its face is fine…but the more, the more is where the goods are.
Before we go any further, let me clarify that although Morgan Freeman is in the picture, I’m not sure he said this. Even if he did, British philosopher James Allen said it first – or something pretty damn close to it. And since he was born in the 1800’s, he probably is older than Morgan. For those who are super curious, the Allen work is As a Man Thinketh and the actual quote is, “Self-control is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power.” There, I feel better. On to our regularly scheduled program.
The More. There is so much more going on here. The kicks are in the qualifiers… “based on” … “insignificant” … “others to control” … “overpower.”
Seems like a small thing. It isn’t. It throws back to a bit of the “don’t mistake my kindness for weakness” idea, although not quite.
I’ve been mulling over this idea for a week and I’m still not quite sure how to noun and verb my intent.
Figured it out…it’s in my journal and must be addressed first. Let me go clean it up and then we will circle back…