Every single leadership, professional development, personal life management, everything ever since everything has emphasized goal setting. Evidently, my new little book is no different. So, I consider this sage art. Again. With good intentions. Again.
Amy says decide what you want and then write them down. In fact, most every version of effective goal setting I have ever seen begins with some version of determine and scrawl.
And that’s where my train jumps the fucking tracks. Before I even get out of the crazy train station,
If we are friends in real life, on Facebook, or have had even a cursory encounter with me, you are probably aware of “The Many.” If you are not familiar, here’s a great recap.
Now often I have wished for a clone – more hours in the day, more hands, help with all the various things I am responsible for…The Many is not that. The Many are a bat shit crazy cornicopia of chicks living in my headspace. I have never been on a subway but I have been backstage at a strip club, lived in military quarters, and spend a good deal of time in beauty salons. I imagine if these locations mated together and had a baby, that’s what The Many would look like.
So take the folks from the subway, strip club, Navy, and the beauty salon into a confined space. Pass around the refreshments and encourage them to make a cohesive set of goals. Go ahead and do it. I’ll wait.
See my dilemma?
When I sit down to do any type of goal planning it always ends up the same…
I want all the things. All. Of. Them.
Even the things I don’t want, I want. I do not want to skydive. That shit totally freaks me out. But, I want to WANT to skydive. It’s fucking insanity.
I want:
- attention while being a person who doesn’t want attention
- to be a person who works 80 hours a week while having all the time in the world to do 100 other things
- to party like a rockstar until 0400 and be up for the 0600 workout looking like Paige Hathaway
- to push publish on every single thing I write and not be completely freaked the fuck out about how much you know about me
- to eat donuts, pad thai, BBQ, pasta, and all the cheeses, while drinking copious amounts of not light beer while maintaining 14% body fat and “I hate her” abs
- a closet full of clothes that make me feel awesome without ever having to shop again
- to attend 0800 Mass on Sunday while lounging around on lazy Sundays until noon
- to speak my mind with confidence
- to run the Keys 100
- to be the Mother of Dragons
- put together a novel plot line that doesn’t make me feel like I’m a complete poser
- to live life on a regular basis not feeling like a poser
- to win the lotto without ever spending money on the lotto
At this point the whiteboard in the room is currently being wielded by one of The Many in a wide, erratic circle daring a bitch to come at her. Tables have been flipped, flasks have been pulled, and some are hiding in the broom closet waiting for the dust to settle. Which it won’t.
Coach that, badass.